

홈 > Business Business 홈 > Insurance Broking Insurance Broking

Insurance Broking

Insurance broker is the sole independent entity that can represent “policyholder”.

WISE provides the most suitable insurance by customizing optimal terms and conditions based on the risks of the clients’ business.


  • 01.

    Request from the clients

    01. 계약자로부터 보험 가입 요청 필요한 보험 관련 서류 및 자료 수령
  • 02.

    Risk analysis

    02. 약자의 리스크 분석 및 보험조건 설계
  • 03.

    Navigating the most appropriate insurance terms

    03. 보험사/재보험사와 보험조건 및 보험료 협의
  • 04.

    Providing the terms to the clients

    04. 계약자의 보험료 안내 및 가입 절차 진행
  • 05.

    On-going insurance service

    05. 보험갱신, 변경사항(배서), 보험 사고 발생 시 관리 및 대응

Reinsurance Broking

As corporate risks are unique and substantial, insurance companies require sufficient reinsurance capacities.
Therefore, it is important to ensure appropriate and adequate reinsurance.

WISE maintains reinsurance negotiation capabilities by
network with leading global reinsurance companies.

It leads us to enhance our reinsurance bargaining power.